We design and develop software that solves problems and help grow businesses

Learn more about us

We are a Software Development and Consultancy startup based in Goa, India.

  • Energetic young team, focused on results
  • Diligent, smart, and efficient
  • Flexible and scalable
  • Profitable and financially stable

We strive for excellence, constant skill up-gradation, deliver projects within budget and timeline.


Our current team consists of experts with decades of experience, working with companies across continents.

Software Architecture

Understand the problem, evaluate possible solutions, prototype and develop proof of concept

Software Development

Develop, test and deliver software as per specifications

Software Consultancy

Software solution and technical advise, with highly skilled, experienced engineers

Collaborative Partnership

Your domain expertise and our IT capabilities, will forge a successful partnership


Our well-defined processes and people adapts to fast changing business environment

Domain Driven Design

Code that models your real life entities and processes, making it easy to adapt as business environment changes

Responsive Interface

Ensures that the user interface renders and behaves correctly on all screen sizes like phones, pads, laptops and large screens

Attention to Detail

End to end design, functionality and user experience is evaluated, handled and tested, to the last detail to avoid failures

Clean Code

Standardized code writing, naming and formatting conventions are enforced to ensure that code is easily readable, understandable and maintainable

Code Review

Team lead and peers review all written code, ensures that errors and bad code is weeded out at development stages itself

Reusable Code

We have built frameworks and modules, which can be reused in any project, ensures that the development is completed faster

Zero Defect

We take great pride in our work and we always endevour to deliver code that is well tested and free of defects

Automated Tasks

We use tools that automate testing and code deployment, ensures that human error is avoided at critical stages


We are careful about our engagements and commitments towards our employees and clients. We have a culture of deep trust, respect and transparency


We always present the true facts to all stakeholders, maintain confidentiality, safeguard data and intellectual property

Dedicated Teams

For each client, we build a dedicated group that acquires domain knowledge and aligns with client's requirements


We do not take projects in the same domain that are detrimental to our existing clients and business partners' interests


We understand that our growth is linked to the success of our clients, and we remain focused on the goals at all times

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Parallel Process LLP is promoted by Max Menezes, who has been working for the last 10 years in the roles of Software Architect and Project Manager. He has over 20 years software industry experience, an avid reader, always in tune with the latest technologies.

  • We develop on .Net, iOS, Android, PHP and Java platforms. We have extensive experience with MVC, SQL Server, MongoDB, Redis, Docker, Message Queues, Web API and external Real-time systems integrations, Payment gateways, Google Cloud / Azure / AWS, Javascript frameworks like JQuery / Angular / React, WhatsApp API and cross platform developments.

  • We work on projects that require detailed domain knowledge, understanding complex problems and use our technical skills to provide solutions, and build a long term mutual symbiotic relationships. We work with industries, to prototype, develop and derive operational efficiencies.

  • For clients and businesses partners - we build virtual teams exclusively working on projects, a seamless extension of your organization.
    For our employees - you will get exposure to the latest technologies, use the right methodologies and develop software the right way.

  • Domain Driven Design is a way of writing code such that the software mirrors real life processes and the interactions between entities, thus making it easy for the software to quickly adapt in a fluid and constantly changing business environment.

  • Having robust frameworks and modules which are proven in heavy duty production environments, provides projects a solid base and the developers are straight away working on providing client specific solutions.

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